Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Teach the Controversy"

"Teach the Controversy"

Although it has withstood numerous generations of scientific scrutiny, Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution by natural selection is still being debated, specifically regarding whether it should be taught in public school systems or not.

Many Intelligent Design proponents (Creationists) continue to insist that since evolution is only a theory, then it should not be taught as fact in public schools. Well, here's the sad news: They also think that if evolution is taught, then their Creationist dogmas should be taught in schools as well.

So, it seems that a scientific theory supported by mountains of data holds the same weight as the ideas about the universe from a 2,000 year old book written by poor desert inhabitants. Makes perfect sense.

Hey, guess what. Gravity is also a theory. Therefore, it should not be taught in schools.


Actually, it couldn't even be argued that Intelligent Design is even a theory. I would call it more of a hypothesis, since it isn't actually supported by any empirical data, nor are its claims demonstrable in any way, shape or form.

Because talking snakes, people rising from the dead, and an ultimate invisible deity that can listen to 7 billion people whisper to him at the same time seems pretty reasonable, right?

We might as well start teaching Alchemy in Chemistry Classes and the "Stork Theory" in Biology.

Have a good day.

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