Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Como estas muchachos! It's Black Friday and you know what that means! That's absolutely, positively correctamundo! It's time to purchase your very own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

Now it's very important that you understand that a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is a rare find. Not all Black Friday shoppers will stumble upon this remarkable creature. However, when you do miraculously encounter this gorgeous animal, you must also put into consideration that all your previous shopping means nothing. Thus, you must instead save and spend all your money on this magnificent species.

Your average Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle may cost anywhere from $2,000 to upwards of $5,000 big 'uns. However, I was able to find myself one for just 94 cents, a feat only possible on this wondrous day of crazed consumer madness. Mine is of the Leonardo variety and he's the tamest, most obedient Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

So, for those of you hoping one day you too may find a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle of your very own, I can tell you that only your patience and persistence may bring you to finally realizing your wildest dream of owning a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

I shall now end my blog with a picture of my beloved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle:

Isn't he adorable?

Yours Truly,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New deviations

Echo's been using our logo in some flyers and posters.  There's also some new sketches.  Check it out at

Playmous Entertainment

"Teach the Controversy"

"Teach the Controversy"

Although it has withstood numerous generations of scientific scrutiny, Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution by natural selection is still being debated, specifically regarding whether it should be taught in public school systems or not.

Many Intelligent Design proponents (Creationists) continue to insist that since evolution is only a theory, then it should not be taught as fact in public schools. Well, here's the sad news: They also think that if evolution is taught, then their Creationist dogmas should be taught in schools as well.

So, it seems that a scientific theory supported by mountains of data holds the same weight as the ideas about the universe from a 2,000 year old book written by poor desert inhabitants. Makes perfect sense.

Hey, guess what. Gravity is also a theory. Therefore, it should not be taught in schools.


Actually, it couldn't even be argued that Intelligent Design is even a theory. I would call it more of a hypothesis, since it isn't actually supported by any empirical data, nor are its claims demonstrable in any way, shape or form.

Because talking snakes, people rising from the dead, and an ultimate invisible deity that can listen to 7 billion people whisper to him at the same time seems pretty reasonable, right?

We might as well start teaching Alchemy in Chemistry Classes and the "Stork Theory" in Biology.

Have a good day.

More info:


we made a post about a logo, then we made a post about no homo. we seriously did not do that on purpose.

Monday, November 21, 2011

No homo

I love when people say no homo, then say something really really gay. like "no homo, but i'd have sex with a dude" hahahahaha.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

we have a logo, thanks to a design by dissonance and art by echo.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We are deviants

Playmous now has a deviantart.  Right now it's just a couple of echo's drawings, but more to come.  Address along with our other links, to the left.

Last, but not least

Next, our newest video, Echo discusses Adele.

Rolling in the Deep

Not again!

The next episode, this time with Katy Perry.



This is the second installment in the Reverberations Saga.

Childish Gambino's Freaks and Geeks

Reverberations Pilot

The title says it all...



This is a pilot for Replay's series Play Nation.

Play Nation: Homefront

Old Stuff

So, we're gonna start posting our old videos here for "posterity."  So here we go.  First, but kind of least, is the pilot for Everything's Coming Up Monster.

Monster Pilot

Friday, November 4, 2011


I'm KenJustKen, I'm working on a game show and documentaries. I'm also working on a sci-fi webseries called Mirrors with Kyool.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Did you hear the echo

What's up fans? Hopefully there'll be a lot of reverberations;) from you about our newer episodes of Reverberations(see what i did there?). Especially since we now have a blog and a website. I'm pretty excited. Send us feedback on songs we should do in the future.

And besides Reverb, we've got a slew of new ideas. Music videos, game shows, flash movies. Things are gonna get pretty hectic in the Playmous lounge. Which is kind of ironic because you wouldn't expect things to be hectic in a lounge...right? ummmm.....anywho....this has been echo and even though this hasn't been Reverberations, just like an echo, you'll hear from me again.